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Rhodes Scholarship Winner Promotes Disability Inclusion

The next time you step onto a train or use a public restroom, consider what such a small act might be like for someone with mobility impairment. Senior global health major Sara Rotenberg (NHS'20) is a champion for disability inclusion and equity in international development projects. She earned a Rhodes Scholarship for study at Oxford University for her work to influence policy and her innovative design ideas related to assistive technologies for persons with disabilities. Read More

Sara Rotenberg on train

From the Editor

It is the first week of April, and I am teleworking from my home officeā€”formerly known as the dining tableā€”putting the final touches on this spring issue of Georgetown Magazine. Like everything we are all experiencing, this last-minute review is done through the lens that we are living through unprecedented events. Read More

generic photo of healy hall with flowers

Georgetown Lombardi Marks 50 Years

In 1969, a seed was planted at Georgetown when iconic NFL coach Vince Lombardi arrived for an urgent diagnosis and treatment for an aggressive form of colorectal cancer. Read More

Health Justice for Immigrants

In January, students, faculty, and staff from across the university gathered at the School of Medicine to reflect on defending immigrant health and human rights as part of Georgetown's MLK Initiative ā€œLet Freedom Ring,ā€ in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Read More

Global Inclusion

Sara Rotenberg (NHS'20), a senior global health major committed to creating an equitable world for people with disabilities, has been named a 2020 Rhodes Scholarship recipient from Canada. Read More

Linking Gut Bacteria, Age, Cancer

A bacteria typically linked to periodontal disease, Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nuc), could play an important role in the rising incidence of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 45. Read More

Quitting Time

Including smoking cessation with existing lung cancer screening efforts would reduce lung cancer mortality by 14% and increase life-years gained by 81% compared with screening alone, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Michigan and Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Read More