This is my archive

50 Years of Women at Georgetown College

Almost by accident I discovered that this academic year was the 50th anniversary of women enrolling in the College. “Really?” I keep hearing from friends when I tell them. “It's only been 50 years?” I was researching the growing gender gap in college graduation rates—nationally, about two women graduate from a college or university for every man—and immediately wanted to learn more about my alma mater's progenitors. Read More

female student standing in graduation crowd

A Letter from Richard M. Hluchan

It has been an honor and privilege to serve as president of the Georgetown University Alumni Association. As I approach the end of my term, I would like to reflect upon our activities over the past two years. Read More

cherry blossoms with white gravenor hall

A Spiritual Retirement Plan

In my years practicing geriatric medicine, along with my experience as a Jesuit priest, I have noticed how carefully many plan for their retirement and older years. Read More

Throwing Light Into Circuits to Prevent Seizures

When the museum curators of the Franklin Institute Science Museum created an exhibition based on the brain, they used a giant Neural Climb (pictured above) to represent it, instead of a solid brain model (as they had done before, with their nationally famous giant heart that hosted even weddings in one of its ventricles). Read More

Life in the NASH Lane

The world offers plenty of advice on how to live a healthier, safer, and fuller lifestyle. So why are we still riddled with diseases and health disparities? Read More

Teens and Aging

What memories do you have of being an adolescent? Do you recall becoming more independent and trying new things? Read More