Summer 2024


ai eye

Faculty weigh in on impact, ethics around artificial intelligence in health care.

students studying with each other on laptops

Virtual interprofessional program highlights the School of Nursing’s trailblazing role in online learning.


A new venture between Howard University and Georgetown explores medical humanities and health justice in DC.

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advancement staff talking and working around table
Recent graduate Zoe Malchiodi, Ph.D. (MS’19, G’24), was named the 2023–4 Matt Riddle Scholar for the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation. The award funds her crucial research preformed at Georgetown University assessing natural killer cells in pancreatic cancer samples.
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Student Point of View: Student uses novel technologies in tumor biology labs

Recent graduate Zoe Malchiodi, Ph.D. (MS’19, G’24), was named the 2023–4 Matt Riddle Scholar for the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation. The award funds her crucial research preformed at Georgetown University assessing natural killer cells in pancreatic cancer samples.

kieran kammerer
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Reflections on Health with Kieran Kammerer, M.D. (M’86)

I knew about Georgetown’s great reputation through my oldest brother, Dennis (C’74). I also knew Thomas Rizzo, M.D. (M’85) and Peter Rizzo, M.D. (C’82, G’83, M’87) from my hometown of Bronxville, New York.

Georgetown Lombardi has once again earned the coveted distinction of “comprehensive cancer center” by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI first awarded this designation to Georgetown Lombardi in 1974.

stethoscope in the shape of a heart
old picture of hospital supervisors
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From the Archives

This 1941 photo labeled “supervisors” from the School of Nursing’s Caduceus yearbook features a group of Franciscan sisters and nurses who likely taught nursing students during their diploma education. For years, Bill Cessato (C’98, G’16, ’22), deputy director of Georgetown’s Center for Research & Fellowships, has been documenting the undertold stories of women religious at the university.

Leslie (Fiumara) Landerkin (N’68) achieved recognition for this photo, entitled “A Hard Place to Sleep.” It is part of a series she calls “Unhoused.”
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Alumna uses photography to show overlooked DC

After retiring from a career in nursing, Leslie (Fiumara) Landerkin (N’68) learned photography through local classes at the Smithsonian and The Art League in Old Town Alexandria. Now she is using her passion for photography to help others see the often overlooked people and elements of the Washington, DC, area as well as the beauty of nature.

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