Category: Alumni Stories, Giving News

Title:Sartaj Narang (SFS’09): “Georgetown reaffirmed that whatever I do in my life, I’d like it to be global in orientation”

Author: Kate Colwell
Date Published: June 30, 2023

Sartaj Narang

What is your name, Georgetown school, and graduation year?

My name is Sartaj Narang. I graduated from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service in 2009 with a degree in international economics, and I am currently pursuing an executive certificate in leadership coaching at the School of Continuing Studies.

Tell us about an achievement from your time as a student that made you proud.

I was very active in the South Asian Society as treasurer and academic chair. Our biggest annual performance in the fall was Rangila, a charity dance showcase. We raised money for a school in rural, northwestern India. It was the biggest fundraiser of its time at Georgetown!

What did you learn about yourself at Georgetown?

Georgetown reaffirmed that whatever I do in my life, I’d like it to be global in orientation. I always look for cross-cultural, cross-national, and cross-linguistic opportunities in order to grow. Through one of my jobs in executive coaching, I’ve facilitated a number of leadership development programs in Mexico, Brazil, Austria, and Turkey.

How have you stayed involved with Georgetown since graduation?

I’ve been interviewing students through the Alumni Admissions Program since 2009. It’s a cool way to see how the next generation is thinking!

You have been making gifts to the Georgetown Fund since graduation. Why do you consistently give to Georgetown?
I give for a multitude of reasons. First, I have a lot of gratitude for the friends I made at Georgetown, who are still my closest friends today. I also believe in the school’s mission to attract and empower people who care about the world and want to make an impact on the world. Finally, I give to the Georgetown Fund because of a family belief in accessible education.

We are an immigrant family, and my parents made dramatic sacrifices to ensure that my brother and I had the best education. I support the Georgetown Fund because I would love to help others get access to education that enables them to become more knowledgeable about the world.

Make a gift to the Georgetown Fund in support of undergraduate scholarships.

Rangila group at GU