Category: Alumni at Work, Alumni Stories, Georgetown Magazine, Spring 2022

Title:The totality of motherhood

Sóuter and family
Photo courtesy of Ericka Sóuter

Using humor and honesty as she addresses some of the tough- er realities of parenting, like substance abuse and postpartum depression, as well as day-to-day struggles, author Ericka Sóuter (C’97) seeks to show the totality of motherhood in her new book How to Have a Kid and a Life: A Survival Guide.

Composed of in-depth research from professionals, testimonies from mothers around the world, and her own experiences, the book explores the myriad issues women face, from maintaining an identity to handling mom-shaming to dealing with changes in platonic, professional, and romantic relationships.

Though the book generally focuses on what to expect after you have a child, she notes that one chapter addresses women who opt out of motherhood. “Women who don’t have children, or who wait to have children, are often criticized for that choice, and I don’t think it’s fair. It’s okay if you don’t choose motherhood,” Sóuter says.

A journalist with over 20 years of experience, Sóuter attributes her passion for writing to her time at Georgetown. “When I enrolled at Georgetown, I intended to major in American government and maybe one day become a senator,” she recalls. On her journey to make an impact in government, she encountered English professors like Pamela Fox and Elizabeth Velez, who encouraged her to explore her gift for writing.

“Professor Velez suggested I apply for an internship with People magazine. I had no interest in journalism at the time, but I wanted a job that would pay, so I decided to go for it. They offered me the job, and it was the most amazing experience I’d ever had.”

I wrote the book I really wanted—and the book new moms will need.

Ericka Sóuter (C’97)

Sóuter traces her professional success—from working with media outlets like People, Essence, and Cosmopolitan, to being a contributing editor at, to frequently appearing on Good Morning America—to her Hoya roots. “I love Georgetown. It directed me towards this amazing career. It’s where I met my husband. It’s where I made some amazing friendships, especially my Nevils Hall roommates from senior year. It is just a really special place.”

Sóuter currently resides in New York City with her husband, Caleb Pitters (SFS’97), and sons Lex and Aidan. “One of the most important things I hope people take away from the book is that the people you surround yourself with matter.”

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