Category: Alumni Events, Campus & Community

Title:Alumni support their home communities for 2024’s Hoyas Give Baxa event

a group of people stand on a hiking trail with a pile of trash bags and branches

Alumni in more than 20 states and half a dozen cities around the world came together for a coordinated day of community service on May 4. The 11th annual Hoyas Give Baxa event invites Georgetown alumni, students, friends, and family to improve their home communities through volunteer work. Participants did everything from caring for animals at adoption events to sorting clothing donations, building an outdoor classroom, and cleaning beaches. 

From California to Massachusetts, Texas to Hawaii, France to Mexico, and Qatar to Peru, alumni channeled the spirit of Georgetown into local service projects. Here are a just a few examples:

  • Washington, DC-metro area: Hoyas near Georgetown’s campus cleared Dumbarton Oaks Park and collected 90 trash bags full of invasive plant species from the area. 
  • St. Louis, Missouri:  Volunteers packed 448 cases at the St. Louis Area Foodbank, totaling 3,657 meals for the local area.
  • Palm Beach, Florida: Hoyas distributed over 1,280 boxed breakfasts and lunches.
  • Portland, Oregon: Hoyas sorted nearly 1,500 pairs of eyeglasses for the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation, connected to the Lions Club of Oregon. 
  • Pamplona, Peru: Volunteers in Peru prepared over a dozen food baskets for distribution by a Pamplona soup kitchen. 

No matter the day, Hoyas continue to embody the spirit of people for others. Hoyas Give Baxa wouldn’t be possible without the regional alumni club leaders who set up projects, coordinated with local nonprofits, and planned post-volunteer lunches.

See photos from 2024 Hoyas Give Baxa service events >